This blog may occasionally contain adults talking about things adults do. There may be bad language. That is all the warning you get.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Are We Boned?

I kicked back and thought of literally a hundred ways to do this. The last ten years remind me of a very long episode of the Twilight Zone. At twenty two I thought life was going pretty well. I still had a pager and was happy without a cell phone. I was self sufficient with a decent job a crappy car and a rat hole apartment. Sodomy was still punishable by law. I was perfectly happy sleeping with random strangers and getting shit faced drunk every chance I could.

Let's get the superficial stuff out of the way first. My Favorite Films of 2000-2009:

10) O Brother Where Art Thou, 9) Super Troopers, 8) Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind, 7) Lord of the Rings-Fellowship of the Ring, 6) 28 Days Later, 5) Shaun of the Dead 4) Children of Men 3) Brokeback Mountain, 2) Momento, 1) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

My Favorite Songs of 2000-2009: I can't decide. There were some great artists that created some masterworks this decade. The final albums of Johnny Cash and Porter Wagoner come to mind. Radney Foster put out some amazing albums. So did Rodney Crowell. Charlie Robison continued to crank out barroom anthems and lonesome ballads. Susan Gibson, Terri Hendrix, The Indigo Girls(collectively and as solo artists), P!nk, and Eliza Gilkyson remained powerful women in music. Loretta Lynn perfected the art of the comeback reminding us that she never really left. Allison Krauss became a star as did the White Stripes. I can't make a top ten list but I can narrow down the whole decade with my absolute favorite song.

My taste in television is varied and my opinion on the medium does not really hold water. I have enjoyed House, Bones, True Blood, Nip/Tuck, The Riches, Pushing Daisies, ER, Grey's Anatomy, The Office UK, Futurama, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, The Venture Brothers, Kings, and Eureka. Then again I watch pro wrestling three times a week so what do I know?

Personally I had several long relationships none ending that well. Joe was a train wreck waiting to happen and I should have seen it coming. Hopefully i have righted the ship and we are in good shape.

From a community standpoint we have clawed our way to an all new low on the rungs of society. At the beginning of the decade we where included in common law marriage. We had more rights then when we were quiet than we do now. They are no closer to finding an AIDS cure than they were in 1984. The United States is still the last bastion of backward ass thinking. As the child of a history buff and an LVN and being pre-med myself I come from a different viewpoint. Mankind is older than religion. By several hundred years in fact. From a logical point of view one can only conclude that man created religion. But why? To keep the masses in line. It's hard to build a population if you condone a natural phenomenon where no children are produced. So we are denying an entire segment of the population there basic civil rights because of laws that were written by men to fight wars.

Speaking of wars. Why are we as a species fighting each other so that the rich can get richer? Ben Franklin said it best- There has never been a good war or a bad peace.

Lots more stuff happened but we spent the first part of the decade killing brain cells so I forgot most of it. Keep Cheryene and her family in your thoughts. Her dad passed away yesterday. We lost a bunch of good people this decade and to think about makes me sad.

Chin up kids. I wouldn't leave you on a downer. Viral Video of the Decade:


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pass the Nyquil

Both the red and the green. We are going to make cocktails. I am a tad under the weather. We will persevere because it is what we fucking do. For most of you this is your friday. Or you are doing last minute preparations. Either way I ma here to amuse you and lessen your stress level. I have had a pot of chicory and am loaded up on cold meds. Not guaranteeing this will make complete sense.

Next post will be a decade in review kind of thing. Why? Because everybody else is phoning it in. Why can't I?

On with the videos:

This guy just makes me happy. He has a classic crooner cleanliness to his voice yet with a southern sensibility. Buy his albums!

This my friends is what NEW Western Swing sounds like. You may need to nail your foot down to keep your toe from tapping.

Finally, God bless Boris Karloff. Drive safe in this weather. We love ya


Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Approacheth

So tired of myspace and their rules and their technical issues. i moved the happiness here. There will be an actual update later. Probably next week as I put together the year in review. I am good. Finals went incredibly well. Hope you are also doing good.

Just as an aside on that last video. As a parent, even a pet parent you can not be laughing while attempting discipline or you will not be taken seriously. I'm just saying.

Last one. What would the holidays be without Muppets? Miserable that's what.
