This blog may occasionally contain adults talking about things adults do. There may be bad language. That is all the warning you get.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Erin Go Braugh

This is special for St Patrick's Day. The day we remember when a normal man turned all the beer on a cold gray island green. Kidding. I was always told it had something to do with snakes being driven off the Emerald Isle. Which is simply an incredibly idiotic idea. Snakes live in temperate regions. Look at the national average temperature of Ireland. Snakes would freeze to death. Now if he could have banished the Anglish that would be something to celebrate.

I learned a lot of important things form my guilty pleasure this week. Get your minds out of the gutter. I have one show that I follow and am actually ashamed of. If you know me I don't have much shame. I like what I like and really don't care what your opinion is. Greek on ABC Family is wonderful little nugget of entertainment that keeps me grounded. This week was their post Mardi Gras episode. Lot's of things happened the week before. Remember when you were close to legal drinking age or right past it and the crazy things you did on Fat Tuesday? Exactly!

Two quotes came out of this weeks episode. One that partain to St Patrick's Day and another that is just deep.

Life lesson V2 #2- Any beer that calls itself "Something's" Best, it's usually the worst.

Remember this when you are guzzling gallons of green tinted Coors light or whatever watered down crap they are serving where you go.

Life lesson V2 #3- Not every love story is a long story. That doesn't mean it isn't a good story.
Read into that as much as you want.

On with the shoe.

Found this gem a couple of weeks ago and the beauty of this song brought tears to my eyes

Couldn't find a really funny female Irish comedian. this will have to do as a substitute.


Start this video at the one minute mark. This is a cautionary tale and a good laugh.

Be Safe.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who Made THIS Decision?!?!

Heard terrible news today. Most of the people who read this know me to be a bit dramatic. This is not an exaggeration. Some corporate exuc-dork decided it would be a good idea to remake THE WIZARD OF OZ! No joke. Hear me out.

The 1939 version was not the original. It is without a shadow of a doubt the best version ever filmed. I saw the sequel. It was okay. I saw the reworking (Tinman on Sci Fi channel) and it was pretty good. I even liked the all black version(The Wiz). The characters have this depth that people have been able to use for almost a century. Proving the genius of Frank L Baum. I am hoping someone reported this incorrectly and we are getting a film version of Wicked. I would be on board for that. i don't think the world needs another cast doing Wizard of Oz.

Did you hear Rush Limbaugh has vowed to emigrate if the National Healthcare Bill passes? I hope this gets the Dem's together and fix the bill presented as it was intended and get the thing passed. Nothing would make me happier.

So I decided to give a theme to this months posts. Going in to St Patricks Day my better half mentioned that he wasn't sure what Celtic music was. Remember kids that I can differentiate between Tejano, Tex-Mex, Reggetone, and Mariachi. So it's all Irish for the rest of the month.

On with the shoe

Lets kick things off with a classic song from an Oscar winning film

When I say I love this song you best believe that I think this is one of the best songs recorded in the last decade. One that you never heard on the radio. Real shame because these guys should be famous. Turn the speakers up a tad. the sound is very intimate.

The greatest Celtic comic to ever live. EVER!!!!! Well next to Adral Oholoran

We never leave you on a down note. Never ever not once. So here is a little toe tapper.

Damn it all to hell!!!!! I did it again. Not a chick in sight. We will fix that next post.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Utterly Irate

It has been THAT day. You know the one. The one where even when you do things right they turn out to be wrong. I am perturbed, frustrated, and at the moment inconsolable. Right now this is what I would like to do to all the people and things that have me in this state.

RAIDEN Pictures, Images and Photos

The cell phone has been out of commission for some time because I couldn't afford the whole bill and they refused to give me a refund for my latest phone. I feel cut off from all of you lovely people. Then today I find out why.

Called the bank because there was a charge I needed to dispute. I didn't make the charge and had no clue where it came form. The charge in question is for a straight adult web site. So I look back at past statements to see what else may need to be brought into question. There has been some very strange activity since December. The exact time I was buying Christmas presents on-line. One of the many sites I used did not have a secure pay page. Some piece of shit got my personal information. They tried to buy jewelry in Kansas City MO. Has been using Skype. I don't have a web-cam. And then the porn subscription. The nice man at the bank is investigating. I have agreed to prosecute when the time comes. And it WILL come! All that money including the overdraft charges will be coming back to me. In 10 business days. So two weeks and everything will be super. In the mean time I am waiting for a new debit card.

Broke like a vase in a house full of toddlers. I have been studying for my anatomy lab test today. Studying my brains out. Seriously, I think some of them leaked onto the pillow which suggests encephalitis and that brings up other worries. Got my crap packed and went downstairs to head downtown. Thoughts of arteries, veins, and lymph nodes dancing in my head. Got in the car and backed up to go. I hear a flop flop flop floppity flop. !@#%&^RVHT$D*&^$ Yes I censored myself because you really don't want to hear the expletives of frustration that I uttered. Flat tire. Last thing I need right now. Don't have the money to fix it. Nor can I miss any school or work.

My dad just happened to be home for lunch. He has a spare that I can steal. Go to his car and take the cover off his spare. It is also flat and bald. This would be the point in my day where the old me would start drinking until I couldn't feel feelings. The new me stops, screams, and starts working out a plan. I wish it was a plan like the gif at the top of the post. Maturity says that murder is illegal. Looking at it cosmically I guess I brought some of this upon myself. Not sure how but we will roll with it.

Not going to leave you with my irritated ramblings. Chew on this and I will see you guys friday.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

To A Simpler Time

I did not rack my brain on this post. There will be videos and they will make you happy. That is all.

On with the shoe....

If you missed this or haven't seen it then here is something old with a newish twist. Literal Videos. This one is my favorite.

Have a great weekend


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Did you Think I Would Forget?

My all time favorite singer was born February 26th 1932. JR 'Johhny' Cash would have been 78 last friday. When he passed away I literally cried for two weeks. At the end of the post I will post an opinion question.

First more pressing business. Rick Rueben and American Recordings released and EP of some of Johnny's final and lost recordings. On the mans birthday. I find this to be a little exploitative. Some hard-core fans are still mourning. They are stringing out the remainder of his catalogue worse than they did with 2-Pac. it's cruel. Especially when it is his later work when he was darker and a mere shadow of himself.

We have been slow at the end of the month. One of the girls was reading the trashy tabloid mags. She sighed and digressed. I let her beat herself up verbally for reading such nonsense. Then I said something that I thought might give her an MCI. "I don't know any of the people on that cover." Honest and true.

I watch very little reality television and I honestly believe that my life is better for it. I couldn't pick the Kardashians out of a police line-up. I honestly thought The Bachelor had been canceled. i don't watch any shows on MTV and only one that replays on VH1. Because who doesn't love RuPaul? think of it as an uncluttered existence. I try my best to support scripted shows because no matter how bad it may be writers need income. Said writers move on to better things(cough Patton Oswaltcough).

So I set forth a challenge to you. Can you cut back your reality television viewing to just one show. or can you best me and watch none. The news and sports do not count as reality television. I am betting you can't do it.

Poll Time
I asked which version of We Are The World you liked better and the responses were underwhelming. Which version of this song do you like better?

I will not reveal my favorite unless you do.

