This blog may occasionally contain adults talking about things adults do. There may be bad language. That is all the warning you get.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Full Dance Card

I hate do this. Last time I blogged there was a rash of gay suicides. And I ranted. I almost raved but reeled myself in just enough. Woke up this morning to read that two more gay kids killed themselves. We are not entirely sure of all the details but by now it feels like rats leaving a sinking ship. Yes, Virginia society has gotten this bad. What can we do? Not much. We can defer to the wisdom of Richard Jeni.

Got drag to prepare for. Hair must be reglued. Clothes packed. And so forth. Next wednesday I have to go to Sam Moon and Wal*Mart before anything can really get accomplished. There will be cake. You should join us.

This weeks happiness is like video addition. Hopefully it will make sense.

This video

Plus this video

Equals this video

Wasn't that fun? One last video. I bet at some gay bar in Trenton, NJ this is on a continuous loop.

Until next time, please hug people wearing purple.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Two Bad Apples Actually

Lot's of stuff happened while I was on sabbatical. I want to start with the local stuff. The Tarrant County Gay Pride parade was Sunday. So we had a rush of charity pageants in August and September. One of the last pageants was the multi-titled Best Friends Club pageant. There were ELEVEN CONTESTANTS! It was an absolute beating. One has to also remember that there were four categories. Mr.- for the dudes, Ms- for the real girls, Ms/Mr- for the drag kings, and Miss- for the drag queens. It was a mess. I was so glad to not have been judging.

Before I move forward let me just say this, I now sympathize and understand why straight girls are confused by drag queens. I have been immersed in gay culture for about fifteen years now. I still don't get drag kings. The pronouns confuse me but I can explain why. They don't look any different from their butch lesbian selves. When they aren't performing they want you to recognize their femininity and that their look is perfectly normal. But when they go out and lip synch dressed and looking exactly like they do all the time you are supposed to recognize the obvious masculinity. The whole thing makes my head hurt.

The pageant managed to raise over $1400. An amazing amount especially in this economy. Any time you have a competition someone has to loose. Said losers ate fistfuls of sour grapes and washed them down with sour mash whiskey. The wednesday after the pageant I talked to one of the bar owners. He told me they spent $1200 dollars to put the show on and that after all the complaining it wasn't worth it. They could have written a check to the charity and saved themselves some heartache. I can't blame him. If you are doing charity shows to win crowns, you are in it for the wrong reasons. I personally do this to raise money for those in need. My ego is in a good place.

Now it's time to step on some toes. The nation has been saddened and terrified by the rash of suicides because of bullying. This is not new! Many years ago I had a distant cousin whose family lives in Arkansas. He put a shotgun in his mouth because he knew his parents would shun him for being gay and he couldn't live if the religion he had been force fed since birth was wrong. His father attempted to take his own life after reading his son's suicide note. It finally hit him that he had failed as a parent. He had failed to teach his child the most basic principles. No matter what anyone says to or does to you, your family will always love you. Parents will love and be proud of their children. Siblings will forever be your siblings. The world outside of your home does not love or respect you. Nor do they have to and you damn sure are not entitled to respect until it is earned. Someone failed to tell these kids who to turn to when their feelings got hurt. That or their outlets weren't listening. A parents job is to ready their children for the world we live in. The parents of these suicides failed! The people who bullied them to the point where they thought their lives were useless failed! Their is a lot of blame to go around but it all falls on poor parents.

How far from reality has our society gotten when we feel it necessary to federally regulate children's behavior?

Lets get to some happiness

Here is a great example of diversity and beauty

That's all I have.


Friday, September 10, 2010

A Few Bees in My Bonnet

Last night was a lot of fun. For everyone who watched the show. I was ready at any second to take my toys and go home. I arrived a little later than I wanted but from the minute I got in the door people started rushing me. We only had one contestant. When as a performer you prepare for a show regardless of any pitfalls that may happen. I was upset because it could have been more than what it was. Oh well. It's now Lady Anya's headache. (evil laughter)

Moving on. Did you hear that the idiot who called for a Koran(Qua-ran) burning day on 9-11 has cancelled his little hate rally

They are fanatics. If you are a christian or hell even believe in the christian ideals, we must show them that we believe in these ideals. Which involves turning the other cheek. Not doing the same crazy shit that they do.

Lets get to the shoe

Jesse sent this to me a while back but after last night, this is for all the hetero's hwo showed up last night.

For anyone who loved Are You Being Served

It is my opinion that if they remade AYBS, and let's be honest it is ripe for the picking, this would have to be the theme

I am exhausted and have more on my plate than it can handle. Moving will do that.


Monday, August 30, 2010

I Love This Sound

Dad is at school and Mom is at work. Things didn't quite fall into place for me this semester. I promise you next semester will be different but right now I have the house to myself. Kinda scary.

Was up early this morning. On my way to the kitchen one of the cats brought me a present. A dead newt. While I appreciate the thought it would be nice if they ate what they killed.

I am considering doing posts a little less regularly. Like when I feel like it. Which means these posts will happen when I need some extra happy.

Since the audience is so small and my giveadamn broke, the normal rules of this blog are gone. I will limit it to three videos only because I know my own attention span.

Lets get on with the shoe

This is how it is supposed to be done. It is a shame that we don't make great music like this anymore. The bigger disgrace is we do not cultivate great bands like this because certain people do not see a profit in it. Bloody Shameful Disgrace!

One more and it is a short one I promise. If there is ever a fourth video it is a bonus for those who didn't find their smile in the first three.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Watering The Seeds Of Dissention

Speaking of watering, a majority of my plants are dead. This heat is abominable. I will take it though. As many of you I am sure would agree, I will tolerate a few weeks of heat to avoid months of snow.

On 7/31 Jesse, Scott, Jerry, and I went with the ICOFWA to Shreveport for some gambling and to raise money for charities within our community. Getting up early on a saturday will never be my idea of fun. Once the bus started moving I saw an old friend I haven't seen in a few years. Normally I would try and protect this persons anonymity but nobody reads this and I don't feel like playing the pronoun game.

Billie Jean was there with a very masculine looking woman. This is the same lady that used to show up at karaoke every week and tell me what a waste I was because I was so sexy. I could make some woman, namely her, very happy. I was a little confused until I remembered the old psychological saying about homophobia. Those who show their homophobia are themselves struggling with their sexuality. Her wife is also named Jesse. Coincidence or creepy, you decide. They are getting married in September and she seems to be getting her poop in neat little piles.

Here is the thing about gambling, it's not a team sport. You can't team up on slot machines. It is also rare to find enough empty machines close together that we can play at that we like. So I usually break from the group and go my own way. I asked Jesse to text me when they were ready to eat and I would meet them at the buffet line. After thirty minutes of playing you get a free buffet. I looked at my watch and had been playing for almost an hour. I sent Jesse a text asking when they wanted to eat. Was told they were eating. I was pissed! If looks could kill I would be in jail right now. Jesse and I then had an argument about the legitimacy of my anger. We don't see each other much with our schedules. Lunch with my sweetie isn't too much to ask. Also I hate being told my feelings are not justified.

Back on the bus Jerry was complaining about how these two lesbians were all over each other. He was pointing at Billie Jean. Now, I walked the casino several times and never saw them. I must have seen them but what they were doing didn't bother me. I am not a fan of PDA but there is that puppy love kind of stuff that is cute. When it crosses the line to sucking face you have gone too far. Jerry is old and easily offended by everything. Kissing in the McDonald's in a truck stop middle of nowhere at 10 pm, is unlikely to bother many. He was bitchin about kids and families. If you have a child out that late to eat, you get what you deserve.

I feel lots better.

On with the videos. Let's get to the really big shoe.

And the highnote of the week:


Monday, July 26, 2010

A Constant Struggle

Trying something new. We are going to merge the Happiness and The Rant. All will be explained

Before I get started a quick question. Am I the only person who thinks Bos Ruten and Henry Rollins look eerily similar?

In order to do the Happiness every single week I rely on multiple tools. The most important being the suggestions at YouTube. On occasion they are very wrong. Just like the suggestions at Amazon. This video was suggested to me

Could you sit through the whole thing? Me neither. This is the attitude I encounter multiple times a day. Let me first say that hetero sex does not repulse or disgust me. Vagina just does not get the blood pumping. My brain is wired different is all. Gay people in any country of any ethnicity are not asking for much. Just the same rights and privileges as everyone else. The right to be recognized. The right to not be stoned just for existing as we do. The same rights that come with marriage. There is never a reason to murder another human being. Self defense wouldn't be necessary if this were the case. To make excuses for murderous behavior is irresponsible and disgusting.

Okay let's find something happy.

Yesterday my mother sent me a video from The 700 Club. I am sure you can see the problem already. It was a propaganda video claiming that because Britain has produced legislation that makes homosexuality a legal life style and giving them equal rights that England was about to outlaw christianity. I don't see the leap. It's along the same lines as the beastiality argument they always bring up when marriage rights are discussed. I just don't see the leap. Nobody wants to take away your religious rights but it is only fair, religion aside, that everyone have the same rights. Here is where the humor and irony come in. The man who heads The Christian Political Party in the UK wrote the song for the next video. Yet he believes his rights as a christian are being trampled on because of equal rights legislation.

Could you taste the irony? Huh huh? Could ya?!?! No more ranting. I will let Greg Proops do that for me. If you have kids watching Tru Jackson on Nickleodeon don't think that Greg Proops the children show actor is the same guy as Greg Proops the stand up comedian.

And the high note for the week.

Don't forget the show on wednesday.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Put On Your Steeltoes

Can't hold this one in anymore. This rant may very well just alienate everybody.

I have an elderly woman who seeks me out every week. It was nice being in Automotive last week because I didn't see her. Until Saturday that is. She is a sweet woman who I am sure thinks she has good intentions. I stopped counting the amount of times she has invited me to church. An institution in which I neither believe in nor endorse.

I have heard her praise Glen Beck in the past. Every time she does this I try and make it perfectly clear my feelings twords him by telling her the only exposure I ever have to him is when he is mentioned on The Daily Show. This octogenarian finally watched the superior program. She attempted to give me a tongue lashing. My work day had barely begun and I was not in the mood for it. So I crossed the line. I can make all the usual excuses but it was bloody hot and I have had enough of this woman.

"You do realize Glen Beck is mentally ill, right. He lies constantly yet they give him air time on a channel that claims to be a news station. News contains facts. That man rarely states facts", I attempted to inform her. She did the mental equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and screaming LALALALALA. Nobody particularly likes being told their point of view is wrong. As a customer service professional for fifteen years, I know the things you never tell a customer. Rule number Zero. A rule so important it comes before rule 1. Never argue with the customer. The customer is the most important part of any business. I did it anyway.

Here's the deal. The problem with extreme view points is their position. They are so far away from a rational view point they have become caricatures of insane people. From Ariana Huffington to Bill O'Rielly , Michael Moore to Glen Beck. You have to take what they say and try and find the actual truth in the story. There is nothing wrong with the actual health care people receive in this country. The problem is they can't afford it because the insurance companies have turned your health into a business instead of it being a public service. It wasn't Healthcare Reform. It was Health Insurance Reform.

I could really go on and on about why being a moderate is a necessity in the current society. When you break it down seeing things form all points of view kind of requires moderation. I never want to hear your extremist point of view when I am trapped and can't walk away from your stupidity. So I fired back at her. She claims she will never be back. She didn't ask to see a manager nor was I talked to. I will see her later this week and wave to her as she shoots me daggers and gets in someone else's lane. I think I will survive.

Let's get to the videos

This one was giving me troubles loading but be patient. This song is worth it.

Couldn't find a stand up act that did it for me this week........but I did find this

I like this song. This is possibly my favorite Leonard Cohen song. The words are very well constructed. This cover is possibly the most upbeat version. Contradiction city kids.

And the high note.

Until next week.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Resisting the Urge

I have a rant in me. Here is the issue. It pushes every bodies buttons. Religion, politics, and sex. I'll save it for another time.


This video has been everywhere but I still love it.

I am sure you could all see this happening in the late seventies or possibly early eighties

And your high note for the week. All the men parodied in this video are super pissed. So send it to all of your friends and lets get this viral.


Monday, July 5, 2010

I Am Confused

I have to cover several departments in the next week. Mainly because one person quit. Here is where the confusion comes from. We hired a cashier to work in the garden center. Cashiers don't last long out there. You have to contend with the elements and nobody seems to know anything about the products. This person begged to move to another department. ANY DEPARTMENT! So they made her the cashier in Automotive.

As we all know; some people have the ability to work retail, and some don't. It takes years of practice. Knowing where the boundaries are and what not to do.
Rule #1- Never let them see you sweat
You can admit that you need help and people will empathize. You can even go to the extent of grabbing or asking someone who knows more than you to help. What you can't do is get frustrated and snap. No matter how much you may want to. Take a breath and let it go.

This particular person couldn't do that. She had a bad attitude and it showed. When they coached her, she quit. Just up and quit. So I have to cover her closing shifts out in TLE and her shift in the garden center until we can get in more people.

Lets geht ta da shoe

This guy is apparently a gay sex icon in Germany. This song just makes me giggle.

Fun silliness

The high note for the week. This will be stuck in your head until I find something better next week.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Getting all my poop in neat little piles for the show wednesday. I must say doing a show on my birthday is a nice distraction from my birthday. Birthdays are a time for reflection. To look back at where we have come from and look ahead to the direction in which we are going.

When I was born Jimmy Carter was president. As a nation we were still locked in a 'conflict' with Vietnam. AIDS hadn't been discovered. Disco was still very much alive. As was Elvis. Our car got 15 MPH and was large enough to stand in for a naval destroyer. There were no such things as video games or cell phones or at home computers. We had a party telephone line in our block of Houston that was within walking distance of The University of Houston. George Jones was still on the sauce and married to Tammy. Star Wars opened. Carter returned the Panama Canal to the Panamanians. Just a little food for thought.

Let's get ta da shoe

Jerking the curtain is BrotherBoy's inspiration. A powerful entertainer and a drag anthem for almost four decades.

Love Catherine Tate! Love Love Love love LOVE!

Just because I adore her

And as a high note this is a bit of a preview for the next Happiness

I will see the cool people at Changes on wednesday.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Zero Obscure Pop Culture Refrences

You do know that title is a lie, right? Obscurity is a matter of exposure. I guarantee there will be at least one vid you have not seen. Otherwise why would you come?

Let's get to the shoe....

Recently forgot Poetry Month/Week...can you tell I care? This would be my favorite poem. Over 25 years since I first heard it. Still #1

Just because Rufus is awesome and let's be honest have you ever met an awesomely gay Rufus? That's what I thought!

Continuing with the gay pride month stuff...kinda. If you saw The Boondocks last night this was the schizz-nit. If not, go ahead and watch the video again.

And the high note (Cloris Leachman style)


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An Actual Rant

Why has there been no rant for a while?

A) Quit-chya-bitchin'!

B) Mama has been busy.

Let's start with the issue that was first. We may be moving to Bedford. My parents have applied with the HEB school district. I am between schools at the moment. If this all plays out as it looks like it might; I will be going to UT-Arlington in the fall. Unless a financial miracle happens. Not sure as of yet where we will be living or where I will be working. This is all tentative. What I worry about is the people I love. Jesse lives in Fort Worth. Scott lives in Lake Worth. Suz lives in Aubrey/Little Elm. A move to the midst of the midcities area puts me back in a more comfortable place but takes me farther from the people I love. Again, this is all tentative........TENTATIVE!

I promise you it gets a little more petty but the girls will understand. I am working on putting my numbers together for the big AOC show on my birthday. I have really been wanting a pair of hot pink patent finish pumps. Got my bonus and bought said shoes from Amazon. Now I have bought shoes from a shoe company called Pleasure before. They make great sturdy drag intended pumps called Seduce. Normally(Norman Lear [ha ha]) I wear a 10 in mens, 10 1/2 is a tad more roomy and comfy. So an 11-12 in womens. I bought a pair of blue pumps in an 11. They were a tad tight. So tight they cut off my circulation and I couldn't feel my toes for almost a week. So when I wanted my pink pumps I ordered a 12. They arrive and are gorgeous. Maybe there will be pictures on The Happiness. They are tighter than the 11's. Mad, angry, and pissed the fuck off. Can't return them because I bought them on-line. If I could buy pumps in my size at a store it would avoid this entire situation.

In a similar yet totally unrelated note, I killed my CDR/W drive. I mean it. The biggest issue is the software probably needs to be reinstalled. The software was lost long ago because you never trust my parents with technical equipment. I got a DVD/CD RW drive for my birthday. So excited. Here's the problem.

This is a view of the back of the new drive

These are the cables in my computer

I see a trip to Fry's in my future. Effing eff!

Anyhow........ After my last post people still asked me who Jim Cornette is. More to the point why I find him so bloody entertaining. Here's why.

Until Friday when The Happiness will return.


Friday, June 4, 2010

All Apologies

Swear I would have had this posted earlier but I got distracted by James E Cornette. By all means you can look him up on the youtube. I won't stop you. But you will be surprised. Jim Cornette is a former pro wrestling manager who has a beef with EVERYBODY. Funny guy. It helps to know what he is talking about in order to find him amusing though.

June is Gay Pride Month. You guessed it. It's theme time again. I am certain you can figure it out.

Lets get on with the shoe

Thought we should start off the gay pride posts with a little PSA.

First gay comic I ever saw

If you lived through the 90's. I am fairly certain most of you did. You heard this song. If two years ago when you heard Katy Perry's song of the same title and it didn't make you think how much better this song was. You can lick my coochie.

That is all


Friday, May 28, 2010

Chant AA Prayer...Repeat As Needed

Since school ended I am having trouble finding the serenity. Lot's of unpleasantness. Most of it work related. I refuse to upset or depress you. So let's just get to the shoe.

And this weeks high note....


Friday, May 21, 2010

Finding The Sunny Side

The show last friday was extravaganza eleganza and super fun to boot.

My birthday is roughly five weeks away. I know what I want for my birthday. I agreed to do a Wall of Food Show on my birthday. That's what you can get me. Come to the show and give some money twords AIDS Outreach Centers food pantry. Seeing your smiling face is all I need for my birthday.

A present is required from all who don't come to the show.

Let's get to the videos.......and on with the shoe

This weeks high note is a remnant from the scary-okee days.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Who Knew

Went out last night to donate to Gay Pride Week and see some folks. Mostly I was there to promote our show. Jesse has his own business to take care and Scott had to work.

I will get to the videos. First let me give you a peek behind the curtain.

What it takes to put on a drag show. More specifically a drag performance.

1) It starts with getting a booking. If you are a wanna-be female impersonator there are numerous shows that take inexperienced talent.

2) Once you have a booking you need basic equipment. Just from first look there are obvious differences between a male and female body. Titties and hips, to be specific. God bless poly-styrene foam. Make-up, lashes, and spray glitter. Cans upon cans of spray glitter. My bedroom looks like Mariah Carey vomited in here.

3) Then you have to put together numbers. Inspiration is a funny thing. Sometimes a number is centered around an outfit. At other times it is a song. Regardless the number has to be complete. The dress, shoes, hair, and accessories MUST match the song. Otherwise you have a mess on your hands and nobody will give you any money.

This takes a lot of work. Which is why I only do shows once a month or so. Someday I may be kind enough to let some wanna be documentarian in on the whole process form beginning to end. Until then.......

Let's get on with the shoe

I hate to make Aretha jerk the curtain but it's my show.

A little GLC for your MUG

When I heard this version of this particular song, I smiled. It's not their cover of Gin and Juice but it is still awesome.

Always leave them wanting more. Somebody asked me where I keep coming up with these. My really don't want to know.

Still have to pack the car and shave. Maybe I'll find time for a nap after lunch.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Around here we try and recognize major holidays. I am not sure if Mothers Day counts. Hear me out!! I think the writers of The Middle got it right. Fathers Day is great because a Mom is in charge. Mothers Day is hell because NOBODY is in charge. Another thing, I wish mothers would stop with the whole I don't want anything. BULLSH!T!! You want. We all want! Just tell us. Dad is easy to buy gifts for. Don't make this harder than it is. Just a little FYI to any fathers who may be reading this. The greatest gift you can give on Mothers Day is silence. Grab the kids and go somewhere. Just give the poor woman a day without educational television, hide and go seek, and the ever popular Whats That Smell.

Let's get to some videos. Going to try and run the gambit and hit everybody.

Something more traditional. Couldn't find the Kathy Lee Gifford version.

A little something more hardcore

Something more dirt road country for ya. This is classic footage. Your welcome

We can't have a Happiness without a comedy video.

Love and Kisses to all the Mothers


Friday, April 30, 2010

Fashion Assassin

I am not sure about the title. It sounded good though.

Yesterday was super fun. Went to Dallas to see the Bodies exhibit that is showing at the West End Market Place through May 31st. If you are a science nerd or really into CSI this is your bag. Graphic is a mild way of putting it. Worth the price of admission and the drive.

Avoided getting stuck in traffic by exiting Central Dr in Bedford. For those of you unaware this is around where The B(Bennigans) was. Pappadeaux is still in that strip where The B and Stake and Ale used to reside. Stopped in for some cajun grub. It was superb and they have lowered their prices. Had Frog Legs and Ginger Salmon. Scrumptious!!

Realized that I had time to stop by the Half Price Books in Bedford. Picked up some Garrison Keilor books and a couple gay vampire books. Why gay vampire books? Because the Twilight series doesn't do it for me. I lost track of time as always and was nearly late for game night. I love the chain but the store in Bedford will always have a special place in my heart.

On with the shoe

As some of you know, around here we are great supporters of Rahr Brewery and their oh so tasty line of brews. On February 12 their roof collapsed under the weight of over a foot of snow. This freak weather has put production at a halt. One of the things I love about this brewery is that it is mostly volunteer run. They only have a handful of full time paid employees. They keep pace with the already crowded micro-brew market by community support and through their charity work throughout Tarrant County. All that said a marketing firm has offered their services while Fritz and the boys get back on their feet. Here is my favorite of the ads, but feel free to watch them all.

I realize that you may not know who Granger Smith is. Here is an intro to the band in the most unique way I have ever seen. It doesn't hurt that I laughed coffee out my nose.

And lastly....Dig that drag make-up


Friday, April 23, 2010

Disjointed? Maybe!

To be perfectly honest I have been ill for days. Better now than I was Sunday night when it started to take over. Monday I couldn't even roll out of bed. I was so achy and tired. Just slept all day. Tuesday the mucus began piling up and I still couldn't move. So not only am I days behind on the things I normally get done, now I am hopped up on cold medicine. I think I will have just a breif affair with pseudofederine though. No need for this to get out of hand.

Lets get to the videos

Promised i would use this song two posts ago. Whoops.

For reasons I am sure I don't have to explain, I can sympathize with this video. Sorry about the commercial. Nothing could be done about it.

I really dig this song. Couldn't find a true moving picture video. Just reduce the screen and listen to the song.

High note.........(rifiling through internet files) Do we have a high note this week? Of course we do.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Short But Sweet

No filler. No lead in. Let's just jump right to the happiness

Well you heard Cloris. That's what we are gonna do.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Here's to ya

I made a 56 on my A&P test. Depressing, upsetting, and so forth. I have test in my Micro class monday. Brain full to bursting. I have a story about my anatomy class but something else first.

Driving to class I had an apostrophe. For those of you who don't get that joke, I feel for you. Listening to NPR because I forgot to grab a cd on my way out and radio really sucks these days. If all the people who have the ability to be charitable were giving and compassionate this world would be a paradise. I wish there was more but that's it. A concept that really doesn't need explaining.

We started the renal system today. Important stuff. The physiology is far more intricate than the anatomy. For starters he posted the wrong lecture outline. He posted an outline for nervous tissue. That was A&P1. This is A&P2. He wrote a bunch of stuff on the board and explained it. In the time that took half the class was asleep. The other half was confused. I started taking detailed notes because I will get an A on the next test. THIS I SWEAR! He got to one slide that had a ton of information about filters. He said literally three words and moved forward. The girl who sits in front of me looked back and shrugged her shoulders. I stopped him and asked him to go back. "What are you lost about?", he asked. "All of it," I said. The girl next to me had nodded off. At this point she woke up and asked if it was over. She just showed up to argue about her test. God grant me strength.

The mine explosion in West Virginia is yet another reminder that greed runs this country. Coal is our cheapest energy source. Our country would collapse without it. Yet we treat the men who put themselves at risk with the lowest form of contempt. This is evident by the fact that the whole incident could have been avoided by simply following the proper safety precautions set forth by our government. Safety first is not just a catchy phrase. It saves lives.

So I need a pick me up. This weeks happiness is as low brow as it gets. Simple things that make me smile.

A simple reminder of why the men who died do what they did. They put themselves at risk every day to live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country.


I love this song. I hope you do to.

Had two Todd Snider songs I was going to end the post with. Literally flipped a coin. Promise I will post the other on next time.

Chin up. If you are reading this then know that I love you.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Quit Waving That Red Cape At Me

I hope this doesn't turn into a big ass long rant. It just might. The language will get R rated.

Lets' get RANTASTIC!!!!!

Had several customers on Sunday chastise me for even being at work on Easter Sunday. I am not about to get in a religious debate with a total stranger. I have said before that I am an Agnostic. Organized religion is a cancer on society. Every violation of human rights; be it war, slavery, discrimination, homophobia, or sexism has been fueled by religion. Jesus condemned religion yet the Catholic Church was created for the same purpose that all other churches came before it. To control the populous. I believe in laws. We need a set of standards that apply to everyone. I also realize that people are sheep. In this country our founding documents say that all people have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Yet people do what their demigods tell them.

Let me paraphrase Aaron McGruder " Rick Warren is a liar. Fred Phelps is the Anti-Christ. Joel Osteen is a glorified used car salesman. The Pope is a enabling Nazi. No matter what Ted Haggard thinks he is a homosexual." The people leading the movement of 'family values' throw those words around to placate people. In reality every human being is somebody's brother/sister or aunt/uncle. Possibly they are someones parent. Doesn't that make them part of someones family and I am sure they have some set of values. They run this country through fear and fear alone. They have the conservatives/tea party in their pockets.

Which leads me to health care. The original health care bill was written by people who are qualified. Ted Kennedy and the American Medical Association's board wrote the bill. What qualifies them? The AMA should be a no brainer. Ted Kennedy comes from the only state with a working social health care system. Any e-mail you read raising concerns was written by someone who was intentionally lying to you in order to scare you. The world will not end because we are demanding that insurance companies stop killing people. What is wrong with holding people accountable?

If politicians would stop trying to literally scare up votes and be honest with the public about their intentions we might get some shit done around here. Nobody wants to kill your grandma. Yes the higher levels of government should be forcibly enrolled in public health care in order to attain a true and final solution. Our taxes should be used for what they are intended to be used for. Government should be scaled back. Term limits should be placed at every level of civil service that is electable. The census will not give the government a right or reason to put you in prison. Anything else. Stop being shitty to each other. Period.

A friends young son is having a hard time with his reading and writing. He is also having issues with a teacher who has given up on him. I feel for him. It wasn't until I had a second grade teacher who realized what the problem was and worked with me. They were ready to label me as ADHD and throw me on the heap. I had problems focusing coupled with vision problems. it was near impossible for me to focus on one word at a time. My teacher cut a hole in an index card just big enough to see a few words at a time. It helped my eyes and brain focus. Sometimes it is just as simple as that.

Tired. After all that I feel better. Here's something to boost your happiness


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Miss Me?

I took a week off to recharge my batteries and whatnot. Stuff happened between there and here.

Typically we try and keep this light-hearted but I need to rant. Celebrity news is not normally something I like to discuss but there are always exceptions. Sandra Bullock is on the cover of every news publication targeted at women. I am going to put on my 'Dan Savage pants' for a bit.

How fucking DARE YOU! As a populous we do not know the terms and conditions of their marriage. Like most celebrity relationships they could have an open agreement. If so he didn't violate anything. Not that I am defending him. One look at Jesse James and my asshole meter goes straight off the charts. We all want to play with the bad boy but you don't take him home and expect him to behave. It's irrational and flat out egotistical. If they did expect exclusivity from each other she really should have known better.

(taking off the Dan Savage pants and putting them away)
Wrestlemania 26 was this last Sunday. Normally this is not news. Shawn Michaels(aka Michael Higgenbottom) retired. I spent a great deal of my childhood being entertained by him. I will miss him being on my tv every week.

See! Good stuff. Let's get to the Happiness.

In honor of Easter this Sunday.

A reminder to not over-do things.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Erin Go Braugh

This is special for St Patrick's Day. The day we remember when a normal man turned all the beer on a cold gray island green. Kidding. I was always told it had something to do with snakes being driven off the Emerald Isle. Which is simply an incredibly idiotic idea. Snakes live in temperate regions. Look at the national average temperature of Ireland. Snakes would freeze to death. Now if he could have banished the Anglish that would be something to celebrate.

I learned a lot of important things form my guilty pleasure this week. Get your minds out of the gutter. I have one show that I follow and am actually ashamed of. If you know me I don't have much shame. I like what I like and really don't care what your opinion is. Greek on ABC Family is wonderful little nugget of entertainment that keeps me grounded. This week was their post Mardi Gras episode. Lot's of things happened the week before. Remember when you were close to legal drinking age or right past it and the crazy things you did on Fat Tuesday? Exactly!

Two quotes came out of this weeks episode. One that partain to St Patrick's Day and another that is just deep.

Life lesson V2 #2- Any beer that calls itself "Something's" Best, it's usually the worst.

Remember this when you are guzzling gallons of green tinted Coors light or whatever watered down crap they are serving where you go.

Life lesson V2 #3- Not every love story is a long story. That doesn't mean it isn't a good story.
Read into that as much as you want.

On with the shoe.

Found this gem a couple of weeks ago and the beauty of this song brought tears to my eyes

Couldn't find a really funny female Irish comedian. this will have to do as a substitute.


Start this video at the one minute mark. This is a cautionary tale and a good laugh.

Be Safe.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Who Made THIS Decision?!?!

Heard terrible news today. Most of the people who read this know me to be a bit dramatic. This is not an exaggeration. Some corporate exuc-dork decided it would be a good idea to remake THE WIZARD OF OZ! No joke. Hear me out.

The 1939 version was not the original. It is without a shadow of a doubt the best version ever filmed. I saw the sequel. It was okay. I saw the reworking (Tinman on Sci Fi channel) and it was pretty good. I even liked the all black version(The Wiz). The characters have this depth that people have been able to use for almost a century. Proving the genius of Frank L Baum. I am hoping someone reported this incorrectly and we are getting a film version of Wicked. I would be on board for that. i don't think the world needs another cast doing Wizard of Oz.

Did you hear Rush Limbaugh has vowed to emigrate if the National Healthcare Bill passes? I hope this gets the Dem's together and fix the bill presented as it was intended and get the thing passed. Nothing would make me happier.

So I decided to give a theme to this months posts. Going in to St Patricks Day my better half mentioned that he wasn't sure what Celtic music was. Remember kids that I can differentiate between Tejano, Tex-Mex, Reggetone, and Mariachi. So it's all Irish for the rest of the month.

On with the shoe

Lets kick things off with a classic song from an Oscar winning film

When I say I love this song you best believe that I think this is one of the best songs recorded in the last decade. One that you never heard on the radio. Real shame because these guys should be famous. Turn the speakers up a tad. the sound is very intimate.

The greatest Celtic comic to ever live. EVER!!!!! Well next to Adral Oholoran

We never leave you on a down note. Never ever not once. So here is a little toe tapper.

Damn it all to hell!!!!! I did it again. Not a chick in sight. We will fix that next post.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Utterly Irate

It has been THAT day. You know the one. The one where even when you do things right they turn out to be wrong. I am perturbed, frustrated, and at the moment inconsolable. Right now this is what I would like to do to all the people and things that have me in this state.

RAIDEN Pictures, Images and Photos

The cell phone has been out of commission for some time because I couldn't afford the whole bill and they refused to give me a refund for my latest phone. I feel cut off from all of you lovely people. Then today I find out why.

Called the bank because there was a charge I needed to dispute. I didn't make the charge and had no clue where it came form. The charge in question is for a straight adult web site. So I look back at past statements to see what else may need to be brought into question. There has been some very strange activity since December. The exact time I was buying Christmas presents on-line. One of the many sites I used did not have a secure pay page. Some piece of shit got my personal information. They tried to buy jewelry in Kansas City MO. Has been using Skype. I don't have a web-cam. And then the porn subscription. The nice man at the bank is investigating. I have agreed to prosecute when the time comes. And it WILL come! All that money including the overdraft charges will be coming back to me. In 10 business days. So two weeks and everything will be super. In the mean time I am waiting for a new debit card.

Broke like a vase in a house full of toddlers. I have been studying for my anatomy lab test today. Studying my brains out. Seriously, I think some of them leaked onto the pillow which suggests encephalitis and that brings up other worries. Got my crap packed and went downstairs to head downtown. Thoughts of arteries, veins, and lymph nodes dancing in my head. Got in the car and backed up to go. I hear a flop flop flop floppity flop. !@#%&^RVHT$D*&^$ Yes I censored myself because you really don't want to hear the expletives of frustration that I uttered. Flat tire. Last thing I need right now. Don't have the money to fix it. Nor can I miss any school or work.

My dad just happened to be home for lunch. He has a spare that I can steal. Go to his car and take the cover off his spare. It is also flat and bald. This would be the point in my day where the old me would start drinking until I couldn't feel feelings. The new me stops, screams, and starts working out a plan. I wish it was a plan like the gif at the top of the post. Maturity says that murder is illegal. Looking at it cosmically I guess I brought some of this upon myself. Not sure how but we will roll with it.

Not going to leave you with my irritated ramblings. Chew on this and I will see you guys friday.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

To A Simpler Time

I did not rack my brain on this post. There will be videos and they will make you happy. That is all.

On with the shoe....

If you missed this or haven't seen it then here is something old with a newish twist. Literal Videos. This one is my favorite.

Have a great weekend


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Did you Think I Would Forget?

My all time favorite singer was born February 26th 1932. JR 'Johhny' Cash would have been 78 last friday. When he passed away I literally cried for two weeks. At the end of the post I will post an opinion question.

First more pressing business. Rick Rueben and American Recordings released and EP of some of Johnny's final and lost recordings. On the mans birthday. I find this to be a little exploitative. Some hard-core fans are still mourning. They are stringing out the remainder of his catalogue worse than they did with 2-Pac. it's cruel. Especially when it is his later work when he was darker and a mere shadow of himself.

We have been slow at the end of the month. One of the girls was reading the trashy tabloid mags. She sighed and digressed. I let her beat herself up verbally for reading such nonsense. Then I said something that I thought might give her an MCI. "I don't know any of the people on that cover." Honest and true.

I watch very little reality television and I honestly believe that my life is better for it. I couldn't pick the Kardashians out of a police line-up. I honestly thought The Bachelor had been canceled. i don't watch any shows on MTV and only one that replays on VH1. Because who doesn't love RuPaul? think of it as an uncluttered existence. I try my best to support scripted shows because no matter how bad it may be writers need income. Said writers move on to better things(cough Patton Oswaltcough).

So I set forth a challenge to you. Can you cut back your reality television viewing to just one show. or can you best me and watch none. The news and sports do not count as reality television. I am betting you can't do it.

Poll Time
I asked which version of We Are The World you liked better and the responses were underwhelming. Which version of this song do you like better?

I will not reveal my favorite unless you do.

