This blog may occasionally contain adults talking about things adults do. There may be bad language. That is all the warning you get.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Quit Waving That Red Cape At Me

I hope this doesn't turn into a big ass long rant. It just might. The language will get R rated.

Lets' get RANTASTIC!!!!!

Had several customers on Sunday chastise me for even being at work on Easter Sunday. I am not about to get in a religious debate with a total stranger. I have said before that I am an Agnostic. Organized religion is a cancer on society. Every violation of human rights; be it war, slavery, discrimination, homophobia, or sexism has been fueled by religion. Jesus condemned religion yet the Catholic Church was created for the same purpose that all other churches came before it. To control the populous. I believe in laws. We need a set of standards that apply to everyone. I also realize that people are sheep. In this country our founding documents say that all people have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Yet people do what their demigods tell them.

Let me paraphrase Aaron McGruder " Rick Warren is a liar. Fred Phelps is the Anti-Christ. Joel Osteen is a glorified used car salesman. The Pope is a enabling Nazi. No matter what Ted Haggard thinks he is a homosexual." The people leading the movement of 'family values' throw those words around to placate people. In reality every human being is somebody's brother/sister or aunt/uncle. Possibly they are someones parent. Doesn't that make them part of someones family and I am sure they have some set of values. They run this country through fear and fear alone. They have the conservatives/tea party in their pockets.

Which leads me to health care. The original health care bill was written by people who are qualified. Ted Kennedy and the American Medical Association's board wrote the bill. What qualifies them? The AMA should be a no brainer. Ted Kennedy comes from the only state with a working social health care system. Any e-mail you read raising concerns was written by someone who was intentionally lying to you in order to scare you. The world will not end because we are demanding that insurance companies stop killing people. What is wrong with holding people accountable?

If politicians would stop trying to literally scare up votes and be honest with the public about their intentions we might get some shit done around here. Nobody wants to kill your grandma. Yes the higher levels of government should be forcibly enrolled in public health care in order to attain a true and final solution. Our taxes should be used for what they are intended to be used for. Government should be scaled back. Term limits should be placed at every level of civil service that is electable. The census will not give the government a right or reason to put you in prison. Anything else. Stop being shitty to each other. Period.

A friends young son is having a hard time with his reading and writing. He is also having issues with a teacher who has given up on him. I feel for him. It wasn't until I had a second grade teacher who realized what the problem was and worked with me. They were ready to label me as ADHD and throw me on the heap. I had problems focusing coupled with vision problems. it was near impossible for me to focus on one word at a time. My teacher cut a hole in an index card just big enough to see a few words at a time. It helped my eyes and brain focus. Sometimes it is just as simple as that.

Tired. After all that I feel better. Here's something to boost your happiness


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