This blog may occasionally contain adults talking about things adults do. There may be bad language. That is all the warning you get.

Monday, July 26, 2010

A Constant Struggle

Trying something new. We are going to merge the Happiness and The Rant. All will be explained

Before I get started a quick question. Am I the only person who thinks Bos Ruten and Henry Rollins look eerily similar?

In order to do the Happiness every single week I rely on multiple tools. The most important being the suggestions at YouTube. On occasion they are very wrong. Just like the suggestions at Amazon. This video was suggested to me

Could you sit through the whole thing? Me neither. This is the attitude I encounter multiple times a day. Let me first say that hetero sex does not repulse or disgust me. Vagina just does not get the blood pumping. My brain is wired different is all. Gay people in any country of any ethnicity are not asking for much. Just the same rights and privileges as everyone else. The right to be recognized. The right to not be stoned just for existing as we do. The same rights that come with marriage. There is never a reason to murder another human being. Self defense wouldn't be necessary if this were the case. To make excuses for murderous behavior is irresponsible and disgusting.

Okay let's find something happy.

Yesterday my mother sent me a video from The 700 Club. I am sure you can see the problem already. It was a propaganda video claiming that because Britain has produced legislation that makes homosexuality a legal life style and giving them equal rights that England was about to outlaw christianity. I don't see the leap. It's along the same lines as the beastiality argument they always bring up when marriage rights are discussed. I just don't see the leap. Nobody wants to take away your religious rights but it is only fair, religion aside, that everyone have the same rights. Here is where the humor and irony come in. The man who heads The Christian Political Party in the UK wrote the song for the next video. Yet he believes his rights as a christian are being trampled on because of equal rights legislation.

Could you taste the irony? Huh huh? Could ya?!?! No more ranting. I will let Greg Proops do that for me. If you have kids watching Tru Jackson on Nickleodeon don't think that Greg Proops the children show actor is the same guy as Greg Proops the stand up comedian.

And the high note for the week.

Don't forget the show on wednesday.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Put On Your Steeltoes

Can't hold this one in anymore. This rant may very well just alienate everybody.

I have an elderly woman who seeks me out every week. It was nice being in Automotive last week because I didn't see her. Until Saturday that is. She is a sweet woman who I am sure thinks she has good intentions. I stopped counting the amount of times she has invited me to church. An institution in which I neither believe in nor endorse.

I have heard her praise Glen Beck in the past. Every time she does this I try and make it perfectly clear my feelings twords him by telling her the only exposure I ever have to him is when he is mentioned on The Daily Show. This octogenarian finally watched the superior program. She attempted to give me a tongue lashing. My work day had barely begun and I was not in the mood for it. So I crossed the line. I can make all the usual excuses but it was bloody hot and I have had enough of this woman.

"You do realize Glen Beck is mentally ill, right. He lies constantly yet they give him air time on a channel that claims to be a news station. News contains facts. That man rarely states facts", I attempted to inform her. She did the mental equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and screaming LALALALALA. Nobody particularly likes being told their point of view is wrong. As a customer service professional for fifteen years, I know the things you never tell a customer. Rule number Zero. A rule so important it comes before rule 1. Never argue with the customer. The customer is the most important part of any business. I did it anyway.

Here's the deal. The problem with extreme view points is their position. They are so far away from a rational view point they have become caricatures of insane people. From Ariana Huffington to Bill O'Rielly , Michael Moore to Glen Beck. You have to take what they say and try and find the actual truth in the story. There is nothing wrong with the actual health care people receive in this country. The problem is they can't afford it because the insurance companies have turned your health into a business instead of it being a public service. It wasn't Healthcare Reform. It was Health Insurance Reform.

I could really go on and on about why being a moderate is a necessity in the current society. When you break it down seeing things form all points of view kind of requires moderation. I never want to hear your extremist point of view when I am trapped and can't walk away from your stupidity. So I fired back at her. She claims she will never be back. She didn't ask to see a manager nor was I talked to. I will see her later this week and wave to her as she shoots me daggers and gets in someone else's lane. I think I will survive.

Let's get to the videos

This one was giving me troubles loading but be patient. This song is worth it.

Couldn't find a stand up act that did it for me this week........but I did find this

I like this song. This is possibly my favorite Leonard Cohen song. The words are very well constructed. This cover is possibly the most upbeat version. Contradiction city kids.

And the high note.

Until next week.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Resisting the Urge

I have a rant in me. Here is the issue. It pushes every bodies buttons. Religion, politics, and sex. I'll save it for another time.


This video has been everywhere but I still love it.

I am sure you could all see this happening in the late seventies or possibly early eighties

And your high note for the week. All the men parodied in this video are super pissed. So send it to all of your friends and lets get this viral.


Monday, July 5, 2010

I Am Confused

I have to cover several departments in the next week. Mainly because one person quit. Here is where the confusion comes from. We hired a cashier to work in the garden center. Cashiers don't last long out there. You have to contend with the elements and nobody seems to know anything about the products. This person begged to move to another department. ANY DEPARTMENT! So they made her the cashier in Automotive.

As we all know; some people have the ability to work retail, and some don't. It takes years of practice. Knowing where the boundaries are and what not to do.
Rule #1- Never let them see you sweat
You can admit that you need help and people will empathize. You can even go to the extent of grabbing or asking someone who knows more than you to help. What you can't do is get frustrated and snap. No matter how much you may want to. Take a breath and let it go.

This particular person couldn't do that. She had a bad attitude and it showed. When they coached her, she quit. Just up and quit. So I have to cover her closing shifts out in TLE and her shift in the garden center until we can get in more people.

Lets geht ta da shoe

This guy is apparently a gay sex icon in Germany. This song just makes me giggle.

Fun silliness

The high note for the week. This will be stuck in your head until I find something better next week.
